Saturday, October 23, 2010

coming soon-take a back up of your memories and store in hard drive

coming soon-take a back up of your memories and store in hard drive
LONDON: Similar to the computer file back-up system, humans will also be able to back up of their brains and all memories contained in them within the next two decades, a leading scientist has claimed. 

    Dr.Raymond Kurzweil
Speaking at a science conference , Raymond Kurzweil, the award-winning American inventor and futurist, said that the human brain backup was now already technically possible. The 62-year-old scientist , who has pioneered in fields such as optical character recognition (OCR), text-tospeech synthesis, speech recognition technology, said humans can achieve this feat within the next 20 years. 

By that time, "We will have thousands of nanobot computer machines in our blood that will heal our bodies, improve our performance, and even be able to back up all the contents of our brains, just as you backup your files on a computer," he told a gathering of 500 guests at a "future talk" event in Vienna, Austria

"That means they would back up every thought, every experience, everything that makes us an individual," he was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail. "It may sound farfetched but in the early 1980s, people thought I was crazy for predicting the emergence of the world wide web by the middle of the 1990s; but it happened , and on the schedule I predicted." 

At the age of 15, Kurzweil created a programme that could recreate music in the style of the great composers. He also built the first machine that could read written speech for the blind for his friend Stevie Wonder — for whom he also later made a revolutionary musical synthesiser capable of recreating real instruments .

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