Saturday, October 23, 2010

Macbook Air review: Apple's new supercomputer

Macbook Air review: Apple's new supercomputer

Apple's walking on Air with the latest version of its new ultra-slim, lightweight laptop

Apple's new Macbook Air is just 17mm thin
Apple's new Macbook Air is just 17mm thin
On Wednesday night, Steve Jobs launched Apple’s latest uber-gadget. But the world’s most famous chief executive brandished not an iPhone or an iPad – instead it was a laptop that took the “one last thing” slot in which Jobs always announces his company’s flagship products.
The new Macbook Air, however, is no ordinary laptop – it seeks to apply the lessons Apple has learnt from its iPad to more traditional computing, and the result is as exceptional in its appearance as it is in its performance.

So the Air offers a battery that lasts for up to 30 days in standby mode, and runs for up to seven hours. Waking it from that standby mode is instant, and booting up from cold takes just 12 seconds.
All of this is in a package that, for the smaller 11-inch model weighs hardly a kilogram, is never more than 17mm thick and costs from a surprisingly reasonable £849. It may not quite be a computer for austerity Britain, but it shows Apple offering its genuinely premium experience at prices less than many equivalent Sony models.
That standard of service is about more than the little things, such as the Air coming fully charged – what makes the Air innovative is its combination of tiny size, low-weight and high performance. According to repairs website iFixit, inside the new Air is a previously unseen connector that makes very slim hard drives more possible than before. That means smaller, lighter computers, incorporating “solid-state” hard drives that are both faster and more reliable.
This is not to say that the MacBook Air is perfect – indeed, iFixit observed that its paltry 2gb of memory was so small as to require upgrading on the point of purchase. And a computer with all Apple’s trademark shininess demands a case to keep it pristine. But these are very small points, and the memory certainly doesn’t feel inadequate on use. In fact, perhaps even more so than with the iPad, owning and using the new Air feels both luxurious and productive.
At the same keynote speech, Jobs also announced updates to the popular iPhoto and iMovie programmes that help users store and manipulate pictures and video.
Photos, for instance, can now be automatically turned into a slideshow that scrolls rapidly across the globe, identifying where pictures were taken and when.
Integration with Facebook, too, demonstrates that Apple is keen to make its products work with others. Physical photobooks and cards can be ordered in increasing numbers of configurations; all of them feel like products that just a few years ago would have been prohibitively expensive.
Movies and sound can now be more easily tweaked in iMovie, which even has a tongue-in-cheek trailer template that can turn the dullest footage into an advert for a blockbuster.
The cumulative effect of this is not to make other laptops or photo websites redundant – but it is to emphasise that Apple’s expertise ranges far beyond one phone and tablet computer.
Small wonder their profits are spiralling ever upwards – in an increasingly crowded market, Apple is still holding its own.
our rating: 5/5

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